Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jenn Arrruda

Currently dating Travis Szczepaniak. They are together most of the time, and her very close friends are Maggie Casey, and Dan Serina. She can be a bitch only when she thinks it's neccissary. Travis is off limits to anyone while they are dating. Not very close with many girls in her grade because she is preoccupied with Travis, which is understandable because every girls has to give their guy attention.


Jenn said...

well obviously travis is off limits to everyone while we are dating.. how dumb of a statement is that.. im seriously soo sick of all you insecure little bitches who talk shit about people to make your selves feel better, like everyone hates me cause travis has been with mee and not rachel.. like sorry get over it?

Jenn said...

Its pathetic how a bunch of little bitches have to make a website and talk shit about people just because they have no lives and can't get laid. Seriously? How old are you all? 12? How fucking immature. Don't fuck with my sister. I know you all are jealous and you should be. Shes a million times better than any of you will ever be. Shes pretty, shes atheletic,she's a good friend, a good girlfriend,a good sister,and she could beat the shit out of any of you. I'd seriously watch your backs. You don't fuck with my sister.You mess with my sister, you mess with me. And you don't want to mess with a 20 year old who will put your sorry asses in your place. Why don't you grow up and get a life and stop bitching about the fact that Rachel can't let go of the fact that Jenn is a million times better than her and Travis loves Jenn and not Rachel who can't seem to grasp the fact that Travis never has and never will want her whining stank ass. Get over it. Your a bunch of wannabe stuck up bitches who will never make it in life. Where as Jenn will always be better than any of you. She doesn't need to make a gossip website and act like a twelve year old. You may be popular in your little group of immature bitches, but your nothing in that whole school. Your lucky my friends and I aren't there anymore because we would make your lives a living hell. You will always amount to nothing. Grow up and get over it.

maggie112067 said...

once again... this is such a fucking jokee. i seriously am embarrassed to tell people that people in my grade made this. like i laughed so hard when i found out because i thought it was a joke. i cant believe this is actually happening.. hahahahha wow. and people wonder why i dont hang out with my grade. one word sums you all up, immature.

Unknown said...

you guys are fucking gayyy. i hate fags

Unknown said...

maggieee. if the people who i think made this Did make it, then i cant believe you were friends with them.

maggie112067 said...

hahahaha i know. its embarrassing. thats what im saying!

Meghan Casey said...
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girl said...

ha. this is sad. i can't believe someone took the time to sum up jen. & no shit travis is off limits. and obviously he'd pick her over a flat ass bitch like rachel anyday. grow the fuck up.

Guest said...

Waaiiit...who is it?

Cause this is so fucking unnessasary.

Everyone in Portsmouth already knows everyones business, this is pointless, extremely rude, and rediculous.

Whoever made this is an ass.

Who do you guys think it is?